Books are awesome.

While it may take me a few days to formulate thoughts on why the Potter fandom is amazing, it won't take much time to forumlate thoughts on another great book series.

Yes. I mean Twilight.

Er not really.

I don't really have a favorite book series after Potter. If it wasn't for Breaking Fail (so much it broke fail to fail again) It would have been Twilight. Yes. I love Narnia, but that is more for the movies. I never finish reading LOTR. Wicked and its sequels were good but not amazing. Uglies needs another re read and for me to read the 4th book before I make a judgment.

Right now I am working my way through His Dark Materials. I'm almost done with the Subtle Knife. Its showing promise. I tried this earlier, but failed i couldn't get through part 1 of the first book. For some reason I can now.

Basically. I love books. There are some authors (John Green and Maureen Johnson for example who's writing I adore.) But no series will mean as much as Potter to me.


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