
In school my favorite subject in school was Drama. It was what got me through high school. I wasn't the best at it but it was fun and it gave me something to put on my college applications. It allowed me to pretend I wasn't me and escape for a while.

Even when I got to college, my favorite class I took through out the whole thing was Acting 1 with Vaughn West. (He just has the coolest name ever I think) Igt helped me break out of my shell I had formed at college. Once I got to acting 2 I realized I didn't want to do this with my life and stopped. Even after I discovered my major whenever a friend needed an arts elective i suggested it, but stressed they needed to take it with Professor West.

The times I spent on stage at my high school were some on the best. Even if it was messing around playing freeze tag on the Jesus Christ Super Star set freshman year (they were bunch of metal covered ramps and when you were tagged you had to lie down and ended up sliding everywhere) to the senior couches with sour patch kids. From musicals to Children's Theatre. Drama caused some of my best memories.

(I know I said the potter extra would be happening today- but Something awesome is coming in the mail soon so I'll wait for that or combine it with a post in a couple of days)


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