Fresh Start

I have tried many times to start a blog. For awhile my blogging platform of choice was livejournal. This got me through college. Now I feel like I have outgrown what I have written there, as well as the culture of livejournal as a whole. And thus, have not written in it for sometime.

I've never been good at writing in the sense of grammar and spelling. In school I was more of a math and logic person as well as really involved in theatre.

I have since realized that theatre is not where I belong. As time went by I found that what a loved about theatre was getting up in front of people and talking. This lead me to become a communications major. I may not do anything related to math, but I still have a tendency to be logical.

Now that I am out of college for a year and the shock has worn off and have experienced all that I feel that it is a new time for me to start communicating again with the world. I have spent far to long reading and lurking. Now it is time to try and share my thoughts with the world.

This blog is how I intend to this. I can't promise I'll update everyday, but I hope that I can update at least 3 times a week. I can't say that I'll have a cohesive set of topics because I can talk about anything from Harry Potter, to tea, to a funny story that happened at work, to a nerdfighter's youtube video I saw.

But this blog will be about me and what I love. And that's what is most important.


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