Pimping some stuff out.

I have a youtube channel and one of my freinds really got on my case to particpate in this thing called NEMA which mean "No Edits in May A'ight." so I am.

You can find my videos here or in the video bar I posted in my sidebar here.

Also this is a long time coming, and the real reason for making this post. My friend Shawn and I really wanted to do a collab of some sorts, but we found that finding 3 other people to do a five awesome type of deal was just too difficult so we perservered and decided to make our own two person thing. I made the first video today and it was just such a triumphant moment because it wasn't the first time I tried to start a collab. It was just awesome.

Anyhow the video can be found here.

I'll have something interesting to talk about soon I hope.


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