
One thing that really makes me depressed is when people don't take depression seriously.

Throughout college I struggled with it and most of my so called "friends" considered it to be a plea for attention. This was never the case. Although it was mild and I would say I want to kill myself, with out actually going through it. It was enough for the authority figures there decided it was enough to get me hospitalized.

That week in the hospital as much needed as possible. I was able to work out so many of my issues then.

Home is much the same as school was. My parents just don't understand.

This upsets me so much. Even though I am for the most part better. The fact that there are people out there who don't think depression is real is horrible. These people need support and help not to be told they are delusional.


Wendy Banner said...

I completely agree. I have depression, anorexia (recovered), and OCD. And of all of those three, people often don't understand the severity of these disorders and how difficult they can make life.

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