
I touched on this on a previous entry but two things I would like to improve about myself are my shyness and my weight.

Just not in that order.

If I get my weight down I feel like it would be easier to put myself out there and meet people.

But as I work on that I'm going to try to @ reply a couple of people a day on twitter and just comment on youtube videos I like. Also I am going to try and have regular conversations with people on skype.


In school my favorite subject in school was Drama. It was what got me through high school. I wasn't the best at it but it was fun and it gave me something to put on my college applications. It allowed me to pretend I wasn't me and escape for a while.

Even when I got to college, my favorite class I took through out the whole thing was Acting 1 with Vaughn West. (He just has the coolest name ever I think) Igt helped me break out of my shell I had formed at college. Once I got to acting 2 I realized I didn't want to do this with my life and stopped. Even after I discovered my major whenever a friend needed an arts elective i suggested it, but stressed they needed to take it with Professor West.

The times I spent on stage at my high school were some on the best. Even if it was messing around playing freeze tag on the Jesus Christ Super Star set freshman year (they were bunch of metal covered ramps and when you were tagged you had to lie down and ended up sliding everywhere) to the senior couches with sour patch kids. From musicals to Children's Theatre. Drama caused some of my best memories.

(I know I said the potter extra would be happening today- but Something awesome is coming in the mail soon so I'll wait for that or combine it with a post in a couple of days)


I would have to say that most difficult thing I have overcome is when I was born. My left artery wasn't connect to my heart.

I'm still alive.

Once that happens its kind of hard to top that? or Something.

Right now I'm working on overcoming shyness, weight and being terrified of driving.

Books are awesome.

While it may take me a few days to formulate thoughts on why the Potter fandom is amazing, it won't take much time to forumlate thoughts on another great book series.

Yes. I mean Twilight.

Er not really.

I don't really have a favorite book series after Potter. If it wasn't for Breaking Fail (so much it broke fail to fail again) It would have been Twilight. Yes. I love Narnia, but that is more for the movies. I never finish reading LOTR. Wicked and its sequels were good but not amazing. Uglies needs another re read and for me to read the 4th book before I make a judgment.

Right now I am working my way through His Dark Materials. I'm almost done with the Subtle Knife. Its showing promise. I tried this earlier, but failed i couldn't get through part 1 of the first book. For some reason I can now.

Basically. I love books. There are some authors (John Green and Maureen Johnson for example who's writing I adore.) But no series will mean as much as Potter to me.

I hate when I fail.

So i decided i was going to try and blog each day this month and in preparation listed a ton of categories to blog about.

Today was supposed to be about the Potter fandom, but I was to give that more attention than I have energy for. Work was rough and I just want to shower eat ice cream and enter a Pushing Daisies Coma.

So I owe you few readers if any an extra entry on Monday about it (because that's the first day I don't have work (or my brothers graduation).

yay fun.

One of the best days ever was when I saw Kelly Clarkson on her Hazel Eyes tour. A freind of mine for school drove down at like 11 and we left for the casino Kelly was playing at around 12. We got there about 5 hours early or something and were both underage. So we couldn't gamble but we did gamble with every frikken radio station that was giving away Meet and Greet passes. One of them was a you had to be there in a raffle thing and like 5 names were called because people weren't there all starting with J or L (my friend's name was Lindsay). But it wasn't us. and the other one was you needed to have the stations call numbers on a dollar bill. I had a 50 on me for merch that was one number away. (and yes I would have screwed the Merch for the chance to meet Kelly if it came to that)

After all that we still had like 3 hours to kill so we wandered around in the shops looking at all the stuff they casino tries to get rich people to buy when they are done gambling and looking for a place to eat. We found a Johnny Rockets. This means I got to have a chocolate peanut butter milkshake and see Kelly Clarkson. All at the same time.

Then it was time for the concert. I got my poster I wanted and the shirt I wanted. We found our seats and just waited. Then the concert started. I remember crying during because of you. I also remember getting nearly killed by the dancing drunks next to me during since u been gone. There was a pizza hat while she sang breakaway.

But this concert was so amazing just because It was my first time seeing Kelly Clarkson without 9 other American Idols and just her.

food yum.

I can't get enough of ice cream. I'm a kid when it comes to that. Of course I don't tend to like anything that doesn't have bits of cookies or brownies or chocolate chips in it. My ice cream needs to have stuff in it.

Right now I am a big fan Edy's take the cake. Cake batter, sprinkles and blue frosting is yummy.

Also I love anything chocolate and peanut butter. It doesn't matter. I even like the chocolate chip peanut butter rice cakes I found.

On the healthy end of the spectrum I make this salad which consists of romaine lettuce mix mandarin oranges and chow main noodles with seasame ginger dressing. Some times I'll add cucumbers or peppers. But its yummy.

Carrots and ranch are a good snack as well.


One thing that really makes me depressed is when people don't take depression seriously.

Throughout college I struggled with it and most of my so called "friends" considered it to be a plea for attention. This was never the case. Although it was mild and I would say I want to kill myself, with out actually going through it. It was enough for the authority figures there decided it was enough to get me hospitalized.

That week in the hospital as much needed as possible. I was able to work out so many of my issues then.

Home is much the same as school was. My parents just don't understand.

This upsets me so much. Even though I am for the most part better. The fact that there are people out there who don't think depression is real is horrible. These people need support and help not to be told they are delusional.

Happiness and Smiles.

This past Saturday the first of the last 3 episodes of Pushing Daisies aired. The show has not been on since November. And I never realized just how much I really do love it. From the second the show started I was off in another brightly colored world where alliteration and narrators and pie where of the utmost importance. Olive made me laugh. Ned made me swoon. Chuck and Emerson were just plain AWESOME. Lily and Vivian cracked me up. I want the next couple of week to go by really slow so it never ends.

My life has been slightly horrible lately. But for an hour I was laughing and happy without a care in the world. I know that (like Harry Potter for example) this show will be one of the things that will always cheer me up.

It may be ending but It will live on in my heart.

I love this show so freaking much.

Amanda Leigh Surpised Me

So with all things I start sometimes I forget about them. This blog is one instance of this.

To tell the truth, not much has been happening in my life. I've restarted a diet I was on and fell wayside with. I'm studying to get my driving permit and hope to get it within a few weeks. Some lady at work made me cry.

I just haven't had anything interesting to write about.

But that changed today.

I've always been a fan of Mandy Moore. Not as fanatical as I was about the boybands (and later Kelly Clarkson), but I made a point to at least stream her CDs and friend her on myspace. I was more a fan of her movies because I love a cheesy romantic comedy like no one else. Last Week ago I was checking myspace as I rarely do now (I think a wizard rock band put some new songs up so I logged on), and there was a bulletin from Mandy mentioning she had twitter. I check twitter every 5 minutes. This was perfect. She was doing some interview on twitter due to her new album which I had no clue was coming out. But then I realized I told myself no more pointless spending so I put it out of my mind considering I heard it was very different from her past stuff.

Today I was checking up on my twitter and she was talking about how amazon made her album the deal of the day today, the day before it came out. 3.99 digital download. This I could afford and it wouldn't be a waste of money if I hated it.

Turns out I loved it. I'm not sure how to describe what Amanda Leigh sounds like I just know that I really like whatever genre of music it is. It was well worth the 3.99. Its like she took the direction from Wild Hope and amped it up more. Its actually kind of what I wish Kelly did. Took where she went from My December to All I Ever Wanted instead of going back to Breakaway. Its a really good CD though.

And this entry was kind of pointless. I dunno.

Pimping some stuff out.

I have a youtube channel and one of my freinds really got on my case to particpate in this thing called NEMA which mean "No Edits in May A'ight." so I am.

You can find my videos here or in the video bar I posted in my sidebar here.

Also this is a long time coming, and the real reason for making this post. My friend Shawn and I really wanted to do a collab of some sorts, but we found that finding 3 other people to do a five awesome type of deal was just too difficult so we perservered and decided to make our own two person thing. I made the first video today and it was just such a triumphant moment because it wasn't the first time I tried to start a collab. It was just awesome.

Anyhow the video can be found here.

I'll have something interesting to talk about soon I hope.

House Wars (aka why I love the Potter Fandom)

I tend to spend the time I am not working (which is a lot considering I just have a part time job at the moment) online.

This results in me watching way to many videos on youtube, discovering awesome things like nerdfighters and wizard rock. This then results in me following random people on twitter, which then results in one of these friends asking me what this #housewars tag people are using is about.

Me being me and being bored asks twitter with the tag and I get an @ reply answer. This then results in me following this massive conversation over which alliance of potter houses are better between ravenclaw and slytherin vs gryffindor vs hufflepuff. (I of course was on the gryffinpuff side- hufflepuffs ftw). I participated a little in the fight, but I wasn't as vocal as I could have been. I was half torn between shyness and a random twitter wizarding duel I had started as a result of the housewars with a friend on twitter where I somehow ended up on the lost island.

I don't think a winner was ever decided. But it didn't matter because it kept me laughing.

And this isn't the first time the potter fandom has kept me laughing. I seem to remember a fateful yuleball where I and some awesome people ended up hanging out until 3am being silly. And guys? If you see this I miss you all. I need to talk to you again. So expect random skype messages from me next time I see you on skype.

Point of this? The potter fandom is love and I really really really really really need to make myself active in it.

I can't be shy. No more.

Fresh Start

I have tried many times to start a blog. For awhile my blogging platform of choice was livejournal. This got me through college. Now I feel like I have outgrown what I have written there, as well as the culture of livejournal as a whole. And thus, have not written in it for sometime.

I've never been good at writing in the sense of grammar and spelling. In school I was more of a math and logic person as well as really involved in theatre.

I have since realized that theatre is not where I belong. As time went by I found that what a loved about theatre was getting up in front of people and talking. This lead me to become a communications major. I may not do anything related to math, but I still have a tendency to be logical.

Now that I am out of college for a year and the shock has worn off and have experienced all that I feel that it is a new time for me to start communicating again with the world. I have spent far to long reading and lurking. Now it is time to try and share my thoughts with the world.

This blog is how I intend to this. I can't promise I'll update everyday, but I hope that I can update at least 3 times a week. I can't say that I'll have a cohesive set of topics because I can talk about anything from Harry Potter, to tea, to a funny story that happened at work, to a nerdfighter's youtube video I saw.

But this blog will be about me and what I love. And that's what is most important.